Opus Dei Alert.com
This website is dedicated in reparation for the offenses, outrages and overall misrepresentation of true Catholic devotion to St. Joseph,
the worthy spouse of the Most Chaste Virgin, as is advanced and perpetrated by the anti-Catholic Talmudic sect known as Opus Dei.

"We wish it to be your rule first of all to tear away the mask from Freemasonry, and to let it be seen as it really is, and by sermons and pastoral letters to instruct the people as to the artifices used by societies of this kind in seducing men and enticing them into their ranks.... " -Pope Leo XIII, Humanum Genus (Encyclical against Freemasonry) Please see the sample Cease and Desist Order [click to view it here] that can be used against Opus Dei operatives when they are attempting to harass, pressure, intimidate and recruit potential members. This can also be used by former members who are attempting to break away from the organization but who find that Opus Dei will not leave them alone.

Justice Always has the Last Word - The sect Opus Dei is in oppsition to De Fide.

This Legal Disclaimer can be customized and modified in any way to suit a particular situation to which it is being applied. For example, the local harassment and stalking laws applicable to the country, province or state that you are in should replace the U.S. laws listed below. Permission is granted for this Cease and Desist Order to be copied anywhere in the world, at any time, in any format. This Disclaimer has been reviewed by prominent legal counsel who have had extensive experience with Opus Dei’s modus operandi. Please feel free to have your legal counsel review it for further modifications.

When Opus Dei is getting aggressive and intimidating and refuses to back down (which is almost always), modify and mail the Cease and Desist letter below to get them to back down. It is key that a copy of the letter is kept along with a record of delivery. This record is necessary to prove to the police that the person has been served a Cease and Desist Order should the person not back down after the Order has been sent. In the U.S., the letter can be sent via U.S. Postal Service’s Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation. Please note that it is suggested that you do not send the Order via Certified Mail/Return Receipt, since the Opus Dei operative will be instructed to refuse deliver of the order. However, Priority Mail/Delivery Confirmation does not require a signature and cannot be refused. Be sure to keep a copy of the letter and your record of Delivery Confirmation.

In addition, you may want to send a copy to the local police precinct, via Certified Mail, to alert them to the harassment you are receiving from Opus Dei elements. For example, if you were in Manhattan, New York City, you might send a copy to the Commanding Officer of the NYPD’s 17th Precinct, the precinct where Opus Dei’s North American HQ is located. You may also want to send a copy to the U.S. head for Opus Dei (listed at the end of the letter) via Certified Mail so as to prove to the police that the particular person to whom the letter is being sent is not acting alone, but under the direct orders and under the strict direction of Opus Dei.

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